The First Council

Location: In Rajgir at the Saptaparni Cave, near Veluvana Grove - Map Location

Brief Account: The Buddha’s passing into parinirvana inevitably left the sangha without the spiritual leadership many had grown accustomed to. While the Buddha was able to transmit his teachings in full to his disciples, there was fear that his teachings would be lost in his absence as none of his teachings were scribed during the Buddha's life.

To ensure a uniform recollection of the Buddha’s teachings, the First Council was held just three months after the Buddha’s passing. Led by one of the Buddha’s closest and most accomplished disciples, Mahakasyapa, 500 arhats gathered in Rajagrha (modern day Rajgir) to chant in unison the words of the Buddha. Because nothing was written down, the Dharma lived on only through the unstained memories of these noble beings. With this council, the Vinaya-pitaka (monastic vows) and the Sutra-pitaka (teachings of the Buddha) were formally established. The Buddha's disciple, Utpali, was tasked with leading the recitation of the Vinaya, while the Buddha's close companion, Ananda, recited the Sutras.

Next stop on The Journey: Second Council at Vaishali